News Archive - September 2023

Stellar Monarchs vs Birmingham - Confirmed Line up
Stellar Monarchs field the same team as the first match, with Kyle Howarth taking the number 1 spot for the Brummies.
  Team Sheet | 1 year ago
Stellar Monarchs vs Poole - Confirmed Line Ups
A patched up Monarchs side will rise to the challenge! RR is in effect at 1 with a shortage of available guests. Fredriksen makes a long awaited return but Watson steps in for the injured Wood and Hook is in for Borke who is out with international commitments. Get the full lineups here!
  Team Sheet | 1 year ago
Lasse Returns
The Stellar Monarchs have been boosted for a busy week ahead with the news that Lasse Fredriksen has declared himself fit to return.
  News Snippet | 1 year ago
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