NEWS Monday 27th March 2006, 10:00am
Edinburgh Monarchs
Armadale Stadium has been seriously vandalised, causing major damage to electrical systems, vehicles and the speedway safety fence.
Extensive graffiti indicates that the culprits are animal rights activists. It seems likely that the recent BBC Scotland television programme regarding treatment of greyhounds has sparked off the action.
Ironically of course the Family sport of Speedway, with thousands of supporters of all ages throughout West Lothian and Edinburgh, stands to be a major victim, even though it has no connection whatever with animals.
Monarchs' officials are currently with the stadium operators estimating the extent of the damage and the time required to get things back in working order. It is likely that volunteer assistance will be welcomed, though currently (Monday morning) no progress can be made as police are still investigating the damage.
Friday's opening match against Glasgow WILL go ahead however.