NEWS Monday 12th February 2007, 7:00pm

by Mike Hunter

  Edinburgh Monarchs

That was Henrik Moller's view after making his debut in the Telford Ice spectacular.

Henrik didn't score in the England v Rest of the World match, or in his Pairs heat in which he teamed up with Phil Morris, but he managed a couple of thirds in the British Open Championship in the evening.

?It was good, I really enjoyed it.

?I couldn't gate at all. I was quite surprised how good I was in the races, I didn't crash and I got round well. I was quite surprised how easy it was to get around.

?I think the starts are a combination of the right amount of throttle and the rider knowing when to drop the clutch. Some people say when you drop the clutch you have to have just the right amount of gas on.

?It's so hard to get it right, even the good guys don't start fast all the time.

?I enjoyed it and had fun with all the guys. I certainly didn't want to crash.

?I don't know whether I'll do it next winter, it depends what happens but I might.

?I was happy to see Ian and Calum again and I'm grateful to them for helping me.

?I went straight back to Denmark afterwards though there were delays in London and also in Denmark. I'm coming back over next week for the Video Night!?