The 'new boys' Image Credit: Jack Cupido


NEWS Tuesday 7th July 2009, 6:02pm

by Mike Hunter

  Edinburgh Monarchs

The Scotwaste Monarchs will introduce Thomas H Jonasson and Byron Bekker to their team for the weekend matches at Scunthorpe and Newport.

Thomas returns after the 28-day period required when he asked to take a break from UK speedway, and South African Byron replaces Sean Stoddart in the side.

Monarchs approached their Swedish star last weekend with the suggestion that he return for the next few matches and he speedily agreed to do so.

Bekker was dropped by Scunthorpe recently and comes on loan from the Scorpions. Alex Harkess said ?He was very enthuisastic and pleased to be given the chance.?

Sean Stoddart is one of the most personally popular of recent Monarchs, but he has been only too aware that his form this season has been below expectations. He admitted to Alex Harkess that he has been on the point of asking to be dropped from the side. Everyone wishes him well.

Some of the detail of the changes has already been appearing on internet sites and forums but most supporters will realise that it would be unwise for the club to make official announcements until all the necessary approvals have been received from the BSPA.