NEWS Tuesday 30th July 2013, 9:00pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
It's less than three days to go now before our big event, the Scottish Open Championship gets underway. David Harrison Ford, the proud sponsors of the event are looking forward to entertaining their guests in the George Hunter Memorial Lounge and heat, rider, tyre and fuel & oil sponsors will also make their way up to hospitality at some point during the evening.
Rider sponsorships are now sold out but heat, tyre and fuel & oil sponsorships are still available for any latecomers.
Said co-promoter, John Campbell, " It's a mountain of a meeting to organise. On the continent they'd see this as a year long project but we have to fit the organisation around our normal weekly events with a big push in the week of the meeting. However, we've just got the loose ends to tie up now. Even the weather looks like being kind to us on Friday."
John added, "I'd just like to clarify one or two points raised by some supporters. Season tickets, as is always the case, will be valid for the Championship. We'll be producing a B5 (slightly bigger than our normal weekly edition) with 32 pages and this will sell for £3. The stadium gates will open at 6.15pm and we will get underway with the parade at 7.15pm. I'd expect the first race to be on track at 7.25pm and we'll not be hanging about as we have twenty qualifying races and then the semi-final and Final to fit in."
Supporters are reminded that admission prices on Friday are slightly higher than normal to take account of the fact that there will be almost 50% more racing than a normal league match. The prices on the night will be £18 for adults, £15 for seniors and students, £8 for children between 12 and 18 and under 12s will be £3. Advance tickets are on sale on our website offering significant reductions on walk up prices being £15 for adults, £12 for seniors and students, £5 for children between 12 and 18 and under 12s £2. These prices are available until 11.59pm on Thursday.
In addition to the on track action we will have a fireworks finale and after the meeting Scottish entertainer, Graeme E Pearson will be singing in the bar.