NEWS Thursday 16th January 2014, 2:00pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
We are very pleased to announce another important event in our fund raising for our air fence. On Friday 14th March we will be presenting "A Brief History of Speedway Racing in Edinburgh" at Boroughmuir Rugby Clubhouse at Meggetland.
The evening will tell the story of speedway in Edinburgh from the first meeting, and before, at Marine Gardens through the days at Old Meadowbank and Powderhall to our present days at Armadale.
There will be a feast of old photographs and videos depicting what went on at our four major circuits. We will also have contributions from those who were there both on and off the track giving us some insight to years gone by and maybe even times forgotten. Furthermore, we'll touch on four other venues that played their part in the history of speedway in this area.
Starting at 7.30pm the evening will be full of nostalgia and also will brim full of behind the scenes stories that may never have been heard before. During the interval we will also be serving a buffet.
For those that haven’t been to the Clubhouse at Meggetland before, it is a modern facility and the room we will be using is not as cramped as we had for the Cookie Evening at Broughton. Chairs will be nicely spaced and there will be room for 20% more than we could accommodate at Broughton. We will also have the benefit of having, in addition to our large screen, television screens throughout the length of the hall and a public address system covering the hall from front to back.
Tickets are now on sale priced £10 and although we have more available than we had for the Cookie Evening we do expect demand to be high.
The Fence Fund continues to mount. After a very slow week last week momentum has picked up again and the fund now stands at £13,067.90. We have also had interest in the remaining fence panels available for sponsorship and although we will continue to take enquiries for the panels at the moment we hope to have good news next week.
Click here for full details of the event.