Aaron Fox Image Credit: Paul Flanders


NEWS Tuesday 4th March 2014, 9:00am

by Toby Lerone

  Edinburgh Monarchs

Aaron Fox is just a few days away from starting a new adventure in his life when he flies to the UK to ride for the Scotwaste Monarchs. He readily agreed to us reproducing a story recently published on his own website giving his thoughts on the challenge ahead.

"Ever since signing with the Edinburgh Monarchs in early December, I've had nothing less than excitement and good feelings about my decision. At the very start of talks with John Campbell, I was on the fence with what I really wanted to do; race Speedway full time or begin a career using skills I've gained from college university.

"Since I began racing in 2010 it was a goal of mine to race Speedway in the UK. After 3 years of hard work, I was given the opportunity to do so. However, I did have second thoughts given I am now 26 and starting my first season. After deep thought I've come to realize that this opportunity isn't for everybody, may as well take my shot while I can. I guess I just like peace of mind hoping that I will someday be able to do things & have nice things in life to enjoy. I've put those thoughts aside for now as its time to go bang elbows with the big boys.

"As I was the fourth announced rider, I was already happy with previous names to have been called. Once the final line-up had been announced I began feeling excited as I've previously seen and followed the boys and their success. Cookie is one bad dude & its awesome to see that he hasn't been on a Speedway bike all his life but has still developed a cracking career for himself.

"Sam Masters and Justin Sedgmen are rippers, I've watched plenty of videos of those guys going around and they definitely hold the gas on! I haven’t seen too many videos of Derek getting around but from everything I've heard from people, the dude can fly! Given his age and experience, I believe it will benefit me to listen to everything he has to say.

"Young Max Fricke is current Aussie U-21 back-to-back champion and its becoming known that he is a favorite at Armadale. I have yet to have any sort of contact with Steve Worrall, but as seen in videos, he is another one that rips around & I think he will do damage at reserve starting on 3 points. I believe we will all get on well and hopefully be there at the end of the season on top.

"Lastly, I've received many messages via social network from fans and supporters of the Edinburgh Monarchs and they have had nothing but nice things to say. I just hope I can give them top performances that they love and deserve to see. John Campbell has been very helpful and I heard great things about him from the Faria family & Ryan Fisher.

"Everyone I have spoken to about the club say its one of the best. To be a part of something so great is big for me and I will do everything in my power to rise up to the occasion and make 2014 season with the Monarchs a success! I can’t wait to spend laps at press and practice and meet everyone before the big day on March 28th!"