NEWS Saturday 8th March 2014, 9:00am
Edinburgh Monarchs
With the opening of the season less than three weeks away the Scotwaste Monarchs have put out a call for additional sponsorship and advertising for the forthcoming season.
Said Mike Hunter, the club director who co-ordinates this part of the Club's operation said, "We have had a good response from last year's advertisers and sponsors and I hope that we are going to add one or two significant new advertisers for this season. However, we always have space for more, in the programme, on advertising displays throughout the stadium and in our hospitality suites."
One new addition to our advertising possibilities is a banner on our air fence. We hope to have the fence completely covered with banners this season and at the moment slightly more than 50% will carry advertising so there is still plenty of room for more.
There are also dates available within our hospitality areas for the season. It is interesting to note that in our survey conducted earlier in the winter 40% of those who had not been to our hospitality said that they did not think it was good value for money but 100% of those who had tried hospitality felt that it was excellent value for money and enhanced their enjoyment of the night.
Space within our match magazine is also available in all shapes and size for your company's advert.
If you are interested in any form of advertising or sponsorship please contact the Club immediately.