NEWS Saturday 24th May 2014, 6:03pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
Aaron Fox has been rightly the talk of the track after his great efforts last night. He was DDS Monarch of the Match last night and he’s in the Evening News headlines. In return, Aaron sent us this message to thank all those who have helped him replace his kevlars which were ruined after his crash.
"I'd like to thank everyone for the help and contributions to the expense of getting a new set of Kevlars made! I don't think it's often that teams have the backing and support like The Monarchs do; all the fans and supporters at Armadale are top people. At the moment I'm working on a deal to have the suit made as soon as possible, but until then, Sam Masters has loaned me one of his. I appreciate the support and I plan to give back with some great racing and solid results! I hope to see you all again this Friday!"