Image Credit: Ron MacNeill


NEWS Friday 4th July 2014, 1:01pm

by Toby Lerone

  Edinburgh Monarchs

Tonight's meeting at Armadale between the Scotwaste Monarchs and Redcar Bears is definitely on.

From the track Alan Bridgett reports that virtually no rain has fallen on Friday morning and they are now in desperate need of some water on the track to allow for the preparation of an optimum surface for tonight's big match. Said Alan, "We've been relying on some natural watering this morning to help us with track preparation but the rain forecast hasn't arrived. It seems strange to say but we could certainly do with some rainfall this afternoon."

It seems certain that Alan will get his wish as the rainfall radar suggests that there will be some rain between two and four before it clears to leave a sunny evening at Armadale.

Aaron Fox will be signing tonight's programme from 6.30pm to 7.00pm on American Independence Day and he has one or two other surprises for supporters.

Replica race jackets will be on sale in the Club Shop tonight. £15 for kids' sizes and £18 for adults.