Stevie Worrall's match-winning ride Image Credit: Ron MacNeill


NEWS Sunday 5th October 2014, 4:11pm

by Toby Lerone

  Edinburgh Monarchs

The Scotwaste Monarchs raced to a 46 to 44 win over Peterborough in the first leg of the League Cup final at the East of England Showground on Sunday afternoon.

Our opening pairing of Craig Cook and Justin Sedgmen were in dominant form and both sat on paid maximums going into heat 15 although they ended up at the back in the last race. Sam Masters was also in dominant form only losing in his first race to Ulrich Ostergaard.

Max Fricke was unfortunate to be penalised under 2 minutes in his third race when his chain guard came loose. Other than that he had three second places. Stevie Worrall can three third places, two of then behind Max, before passing Adam Roynon in heat 14 to win the match for the Monarchs.

Derek Sneddon struggled throughout heat 2 on bends 3 and 4 before eventually falling there on the last lap when in second place. He got his only point in his second race but was always competitive. Aaron Fox struggled with the conditions.

Guest Todd Kurtz was Panthers top scorer with 11.

So the Scotwaste Monarchs take a two point lead into the second leg at Armadale on Friday and must start as hot favourites to lift the League Cup.