NEWS Monday 16th March 2015, 8:04pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
The temperature was zero degrees when I landed at Glasgow airport early on Sunday morning but it will be red hot this Friday at Armadale for Theo Pijper's Testimonial!
All the riders have been announced although I can't see Adam Roynon being fit to ride after his Heat 1 tumble at Peterborough when he injured ribs I believe. It looks a tasty line-up to Theo's Night of Champions! It's the first speedway of the season in the north and I expect quite a big crowd including many fans from the local tracks especially as Berwick has four representatives on show.
I was disappointed at not being able to take a run out to Livingston for the Ricky Ashworth Benefit Football Match but I followed the proceedings with interest. The result really isn't that important but the fact that the Tigers and Monarchs fans got together and made a good wedge of money in aid of a good cause speaks volumes and I congratulate both sides! To raise over £1700 is magnificent! Well done.
While on the subject of Benefit Meetings, I remember my first and only Ben Fund which was at Berwick two years ago. Were you there? The coldest speedway meeting I have ever been to! In the Berwick Advertiser meeting report, mention was made about un-named top riders on their non-participation in the event – something that has been talked about this year. Such an important meeting that I hope it stays in the calendar for many years to come.
I'm going to use up a few lines and return to this Friday's Testimonial. I'm looking forward to chatting to as many of you as possible at the gate and later as I wander around. I know you're not a shy lot and I expect you to pass on your thoughts, ideas and suggestions! I note everything I'm told and take action on matters where possible. It's going to be difficult to match last year's highly successful season but it's a challenge that our new team is up for and I know they will be looking for and appreciating you support. They can actually hear you when they are racing!
Thanks, in advance, to all our Staff and Volunteers who are offering their help to make Theo's night a roaring success. Just about everyone will be doing their usual jobs this year and I am in the process this week of contacting those who are doing maybe something a little different! I will endeavour to get round everyone in the course of the evening and say hello but, until then, be good and take care! See you Friday!
Uncle ‘B’