Advertising our Speedway Image Credit: Norma McKenna


NEWS Saturday 20th June 2015, 10:18pm

by Brian Gray

  Edinburgh Monarchs

The Border Roofing Monarchs roadshow rolled out again on Saturday, this time at the Armadale Gala Day.

On what turned out to be a fine day after early mizzle, the weather was good and our float was instructed to lead the general parade with those on board enjoying the considerable attention that the huge crowds were paying them! Carrying on the youth theme of recent, the centre of attraction was taken by 12 year-old Ryan Morris the Armadale junior and Dale Devil team member who was flanked on either side by 16 year-old supporters Emily Glanvill and Ellen Beskow who wore the Club colours and twirled colourful umbrellas!

Taking a back position for once was Ed the Monarch (oh, how he loves an occasion like this) who is well known now to the good folk of Armadale. He was joined for the event by 7 year-old Cody, grandson of our popular sponsor Eddie McKenna whom we must thank for providing the truck!

Participation in events such as this is a marvellous way of meeting the public in general and with the Monarchs now having been part of the community for nearly twenty years, the Club hopes that residents who have never visited the speedway may be interested to see what our family sport offers. So, the Gala Days are over for this year and we look forward in anticipation to next years'!