NEWS Tuesday 1st March 2016, 2:30pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
Local Armadale councillor, Stuart Borrowman, announced on his Facebook page on Monday evening, that the owners of Armadale Stadium have started a planning process to turn the site into a residential development. However, this is not exactly the case.
That announcement took everyone by surprise and enquiries on Tuesday morning have confirmed that the Border Roofing Monarchs can still look ahead to a long term future at the stadium.
Said Billy Cochrane junior, part of the Father and Son company that own the stadium, "We are looking to continue the operation of the stadium into the medium to long term. Speedway is about to start its twentieth season at the stadium and we hope that we will all be here in ten years time to celebrate the thirtieth."
"However, there are certain things going on in West Lothian planning at the moment that required us to protect our investment. That's what we are trying to do. There is no house builder lined up to start laying foundations.
Border Roofing Monarchs co-promoter John Campbell said, "The Cochranes have been in control of the stadium for just under two years now. In that time they have been most welcoming landlords and have been open and honest about their plans for the stadium. They have explained their plans to me and I am in no doubt that our 2016 season will open on 2nd April and throughout that season we will continue to plan for 2017 and beyond."
More exciting news will be revealed on this website on a daily basis as we build up to opening night on 2nd April.