NEWS Thursday 31st March 2016, 1:37pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
The best known and most looked-at speedway website world wide is the Polish site Sportowefakty, but even they recognise that Ed the Monarch and his favourite team should be appearing on their pages.
With the help of JR Media (Jarek Ratkowski) that has now happened and the Monarchs are previewed on the famous Polish site. And Ed is there.
Jarek will be helping us to cover the Polish scene in our weekly match magazine from next Friday, which will of course include coverage of Sam Masters' matches with Krakow (when they see sense and include him).
Jarek also believes that we can interest the Polish community in coming along to Armadale, which we would be delighted to see. Inclusion in Sportowefakty is a good first step.
Click Sportowefakty here
Ed and the team will be on track tomorrow night at Armadale against the Belle Vue Aces.