NEWS Tuesday 21st June 2016, 7:00pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
We are continuing our search for a season long sponsor of our Monarch of the Match Award but in the interim we would like to offer all supporters the opportunity to sponsor the award for one week.
Through our "Book Tickets" section of our website you can now purchase the sponsorship on a weekly basis. This week's match against Glasgow has already been taken but all future matches are available at the moment.
The cost of the sponsorship is £50 and for that you get the chance to nominate and present your selected Monarch of the Match with the bottle of bubbly at the end of the match! Includes the opportunity to watch heat 15 from the centre green as well as receiving a signed bottle to take home as a memento.
The full package includes:
• Admission for one
• Match magazine for one
• Opportunity to watch heat 15 from the centre green for yourself and up to two friends
• Nominate and present your selected Monarch of the Match with a bottle of bubbly
• Signed bottle of bubbly to take home as memento
• Digital copy of the presentation photograph
Please note: The presentation may either take place on the centre green or in the pits after the match.
Book online now!