NEWS Sunday 29th January 2017, 4:45pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
The Mayflower in Loanhead was packed on Saturday night for the Burns Supper, enjoying a great evening conducted by Scott Wilson, who along with Derek Wilkinson had organised the event.
Past Monarchs’ star Kenny McKinna joined the party and answered questions on his career, and present Monarch Mitchell Davey came along to join in.
It was a sellout and it would be hard to imagine that anyone didn’t enjoy the event. A great meal, toasts by Mose, Scott Wilson and Laraine Wells which were all nicely concise, plus Kenny’s Q&A.
At the end of the night Derek handed over £1250 to Alex Harkess for the club funds, and there was an additional £50 later donated by the Mayflower. Alex thanked the organisers and their helpers, and again paid tribute to the loyalty of the Monarchs’ fundraising groups, while Scott commented that the Monarchs 100 events (including the Forth Bridge walk and the Race Night) had been such a success that they won’t be stopping yet.
The next club event is the Video Night at the Thomas Morton Hall in Ferry Road on Friday 3rd March.