Join Our First Aid Team?

NEWS Thursday 9th March 2017, 8:35pm

by Toby Lerone

  Edinburgh Monarchs

One of the most important elements of any speedway meeting is the first aid team. We are fortunate to have a group of volunteers acting as support for the professional team provided by ABC Ambulances of Falkirk each week.

As our volunteer first aiders are all speedway supporters we attempt to allow them to return to being spectators on occasions.

Last season we were able to rotate the members of the team so that some of them could watch from the terraces every few weeks. This depends on having sufficient volunteers to make it possible.

We have lost two members of the team since last season so we'd like to boost the squad a little.

We would like to invite new members for the coming season. You can be a regular in the team or just an emergency stand-in when holidays or illness reduce our numbers to the bare minimum.

If you think you can help, and you have a First Aid at Work certificate, then please email us at