NEWS Tuesday 21st March 2017, 8:32pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
With the season just around the corner we are pleased to announce that there will be no price increase in admission charges or programme for the 2017 season.
Online prices up to 11.59pm on the day before race day have now remained unchanged for six years as follows:
Adults £15
Seniors (of state retiral age) £12
Students(on production of current student card) £12
Children (12 to 16) £ 5
Children (5 to 11) £ 1
Children (under 5) Free
Tickets purchased on race day will be priced £2 higher with the exception of Children(5 to 11) who will pay £1 more.
These prices will be valid for Harrisons Scottish Open even although we will be staging almost 50% more races on the 31st.
Season tickets are not valid for the Scottish Open but season tickets holders may enter the stadium at their normal gate on payment of Adults £13, Seniors and Students £11, Children (12 to 16) £4 and all Children under 11 free.
Our match programme will generally be priced at £2.80 but for our bumper first night edition and other special editions we may produce during the season there will be an increase in price.
Season tickets remain on sale and can be purchased at the Season Launch Live show at the Cairn Hotel in Bathgate on Thursday, at the Pre season practice at Armadale on Friday and at the Saltire Motorcycles Birthday Bash on Saturday.