NEWS Sunday 4th March 2018, 9:00pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
With the loss of our team sponsorship securing new advertising and sponsorship is all the more important for the Club in 2018.
As always we have a number of opportunities open to local businesses to support us.
The main team sponsorship is still available to any who may wish to add their business name of the Club and allow us to carry it throughout the UK publicising their business. We are very much open to talk to anyone will to listen.
We carry many advertising banners on our air safety barrier which surrounds the race track. We have space for more and we'd be happy to display your name each week throughout the season for as little as £400 for the season.
We have a range of spaces available within our weekly match magazine with prices starting at £75 all the way up to £650 for a full page advertisement. Also within the centre race card of the match magazine we offer the chance to sponsor one of our races throughout the season for £300.
Our hospitality suites offer the best view of the race circuit, as can be seen from the photo at the top of this article and it is a great low cost to entertain staff and customers in a low cost environment. Food and drink is included for no more than £1000 for thirty guests.
All prices quoted are subject to VAT at 20%
Contact us on 01501 734404 or