NEWS Tuesday 18th September 2018, 4:36pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
Edinburgh Speedway always aim to be the best they can be in all aspects of the sport including meeting presentation, and so it is with considerable regret that we have to announce that very shortly Scott Wilson will be stepping down from the role of match presenter due to a change in his employment.
He intends to step down at the end of the month after 22 seasons. Scott took up the role when the club moved to Armadale Stadium in 1997 with the intention of remaining for a couple of months until the team bedded in. However 21 years later he's still with us and adding a level of entertainment and professionalism some teams can only aspire to.
His golden tones, so easy on the ear, have become a big part of our Friday nights. Peter "The Motor" Carr and Kevin "Sid" Little are amongst those given familiar nicknames by our presenter. Kevin indeed asked Scott to present his Farewell meeting even though it was at Redcar. Scott probably still would not call himself a speedway anorak but his trick lay in conveying his enthusiasm and enjoyment of the sport to everyone on the terraces.
In recent years, Scott has played a big role in the Monarchs 100 fundraising group alongside Derek Wilkinson organising various events, including the upcoming Forth Road Bridge walk on September 30th. Although he hoped to complete the season as presenter, his enhanced role in his employment has meant his time will be too finely spread to allow him to continue into October.
Scott said "When you consider that I was asked to help out for a few weeks in the hope that you could find a proper professional, and have stayed for 22 seasons, means that you're either pretty lousy in your search for a replacement, or else I've caught the bug and got quite proficient at it.
"Whilst I'm delighted to have been promoted in my proper job I genuinely don't think it would be fair to continue if I don't know where I am going to be travelling.
"I've seen some great riders on the track and as far as interviewing some of the more challenging ones, their talent has definitely been more on a bike than in front of a microphone! No names no pack drill but Peter Carr you know who you are! First time around Willie Lawson was the shyest but he is quite conversational now.
"It's very much part of my psyche now, I'm very much a fan and enjoy my trips to the Speedway GP. It's the people that I will miss obviously, I won't miss the sub-zero temperatures in the height of summer. If I am free on a Friday night I will still be very happy to come along simply as a fan."
Club chairman Alex Harkess paid this tribute to Scott: "Nicknamed 'King of Voice' by people that I know round about him, because he has an amazing voice, but equally he has the charisma that goes with it. Insults people regularly but he is so nice with it you have to laugh.
"That's the wit that he has. He's been fantastic for Edinburgh Speedway who he came to join for six weeks and lasted for 22 seasons. He has the clearest voice in Speedway and I consider him to be the best centre green announcer that there is. The feeling that he puts into it creates an atmosphere and there is nothing better than a good crowd with Scott on the mike. He's the best in British Speedway.
"I'm sad he's leaving but I understand everyone has to put their livelihood first. His will be difficult shoes to fill."
Scott hasn't ruled out reprising his role if the opportunity arises in future however, for now, he will complete his final match as presenter on Friday 28th September.