NEWS Friday 31st May 2019, 2:00pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
We can now bring you the next four contenders for next Friday's Harrison's Scottish Open at Armadale, another interesting quartet.
Dan Bewley started his speedway career with a year as a Monarch in 2016. In a very short time he became the best young prospect in the UK, including a superb second place in the 2018 UK Championship on his home track Belle Vue. Then on a dark day at Workington he crashed and suffered bad injuries, but he is coming back well and we will see his progress next week.
Cameron Heeps was an unexpected signing for Monarchs this season but he has very quickly established himself as an exciting and popular member of the team. We felt, as he does, that it is time for him to move forward in the sport and that seems to be happening. As yet, not the best gater in the world, but what a trier he is.
Kevin Doolan has been one of the leading performers in our league for probably more years than he cares to remember. He has ridden for many teams but has now settled down as an outstanding captain of Berwick. He always seems to be enjoying his Speedway more than most do, and that is surely at least half the battle.
Josh MacDonald is a completely new name this season and those who follow the sport closely will be aware that he had come from Australia to be part of the Workington side for 2019. Of course the carpet was pulled from under him when the Comets closed and now he is picking up bookings where he can while hoping to land a team place.
We will bring you the final four names over the weekend. Dan, Cam, Kev and Josh are available to sponsor now at £75 each, which includes full hospitality for one and the signed racejacket to take home. You can read more and book your package now by tapping the button below!