NEWS Friday 10th April 2020, 1:00pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
The consultation period for Edinburgh's City Plan 2030 has been extended - get involved now!
The period has been extended to 30th April due to the current coronavirus situation meaning that there is still time to take part.
What The Fork Monarchs are currently secure and settled at Armadale Stadium for the medium-term, however the Club recognise that the long-term future of the Club must be secured and are exploring all avenues to do so.
One such avenue is City Plan 2030, the process through which the City of Edinburgh Council decide their long-term development plan for the period of 2021 to 2030. Within this process the Club is stating the case for an area of land to be specifically designated to establish a speedway facility within Edinburgh.
The City of Edinburgh Council are encouraging residents and visitors to submit their views. Monarchs encourage all to engage with this process to demonstrate the support for a speedway facility within Edinburgh. This can be done by following this link to the consultation process:
Click here to show your support
Particular attention may be given in the consultation process to Choice 13 and Choice 14 and within these stating your opinion that land within Edinburgh should be specifically designated for either a mixed-use, multi-purpose community speedway stadium or an urban speedway-focussed stadium.
It is also possible to contact Edinburgh City Council directly regarding this process at the following email address:
If you would like to discuss this engagement process further then the Club would be pleased to hear from you by email here
Please take part in this consultation process and encourage any of your speedway supporting friends to do so also.