NEWS Monday 5th April 2021, 5:30pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
What The Fork Monarchs are pleased to announce the new Monarchs Speedway Academy to introduce new riders into the sport and offer them a pathway to become a professional speedway rider.
Monarchs Speedway Academy is the overarching title for Monarchs youth development initiatives that will provide young riders with a pathway to go from cradle to Scottish champion and beyond on their speedway journey.
These initiatives will include two new youth tracks to offer aspiring young riders a track of appropriate size to stimulate their development, confirmed Monarchs Co-Promoter John Campbell, "We are delighted to be taking these first steps into developing the next generation of Scottish speedway riders. By establishing two reduced-size tracks, we will begin to establish a progression pathway for aspiring young riders."
The first step along the development pathway will be provided by a small inflatable speedway track to capture the imagination of the very youngest of children on small balance bikes. This will provide a fun environment that will hatch dreams of becoming a speedway rider.
The second step will see kids step up onto 50cc or similar bikes to start to get a feel for riding a motorcycle. This will take place on the second new track, a mini speedway track to be installed on the centre green at Armadale Stadium.
The installation of these two tracks will require some initial funding. Campbell continued, "Monarchs 100 approached the Club with the idea to host another auction following the success of their first edition last summer.
"We outlined our new youth development plans to the Monarchs 100 to which Derek Wilkinson and Scott Wilson replied that they would be delighted to host the auction to support the funding required for which the Club is very grateful."
The next steps along the development pathway will involve youngsters moving up to 125/150cc speedway bikes on the mini track and then onto 250cc bikes on the main track with appropriate competitive action at each level.
From this, aspiring riders can step up onto full size 500cc bikes with competitive opportunities in the Northern Junior League with the return of the West Lothian Wildcats.
The next step will be into the Armadale Devils National Development League team which will be the final level before riders look to breakthrough into the What The Fork Monarchs Championship line up.
Campbell concluded with his excitement at the new Monarchs Speedway Academy, "The ultimate aim is to have a rider progress from the entry level inflatable track, all the way through to the Monarchs team in due course.
"New riders can get involved at the level most appropriate to them and progress from there. The beauty of the system is that there will always be a next step for riders to develop.
"Previously we had no platform to enter the sport at youth level. With the Monarchs Speedway Academy, local kids can get involved and dream of going all the way to Scottish Champion and beyond."
Monarchs 100 group will stage a second fundraising auction in mid-April to support the new Monarchs Speedway Academy. Details of which will be announced shortly.