NEWS Tuesday 29th November 2022, 5:16pm
Edinburgh Monarchs
Monarchs 100 organisers Scott Wilson and Derek Wilkinson have recently announced the return of their popular and successful Burns Supper, a fundraiser for the Monarchs as well as a great social night, and the 2023 edition will be at Bainfield Bowling Club, 34 Hutchison Crossway EH14 1RU on Saturday 14th January.
It will be a Three Scottish Legends Night with former Speedway Stars Bert Harkins, Kenny McKinna and Brian Collins in attendance, and ready to spill the beans during the post meal Q&A with Scott Wilson.
The fare will be the usual high-quality 3-course traditional Burns Supper prepared by Derek's special team who have done the honours in the past. Bert Harkins will be following in the footsteps of Kenny McKinna, Alun Rossiter, Rory Schlein and Stewart Dickson during the piping-in of the haggis.
Previous attenders will attest to the quality of the fare. Tickets for the event are £35 per head, and intention to attend should be intimated to . Payment can be made on the night but because we need numbers for catering, we would require the payment if any cancellation is made within 48 hours of the event.
The group is known as the Monarchs 100 and it is Scott's ambition to have 100 attending this year, something we have never quite managed! We're going for it this time.