Victor excited to return

Home comforts set to boost returning Victor

NEWS Wednesday 5th March 2025, 3:30pm

by Graham Muncie

  Edinburgh Monarchs

While there is an element of the unknown in certain parts of the 2025 Stellar Monarchs line-up with three differences from the septet that took to track 12 months ago, one of these new faces is a familiar one with the return of popular Swede Victor Palovaara.

Palovaara, who returns to the Blue and Gold after a six-year absence from UK speedway, is looking to make up for lost time in the months ahead, "I can't wait to get back and I think it will be a good year."

Explaining his absence from these shores Palovaara said, "I think back then I was going in a good direction, I had a few offers form Poland and at the time I thought it would be too much doing Poland, Sweden and the UK.

"I have looked at coming back over in between but it is not as easy now as you need more paperwork to ride in the UK now, so it takes a lot more planning.

"It is going to be good to be back though and I am looking forward to having more meetings. I will still be riding in both leagues in Sweden so I will be busy and that is what I want."

Another thing that Victor feels will help as he extends his race diary is the feeling of familiarity that comes with returning to Scotland, "It feels like coming home if I am honest.

"My partner is from Glasgow so she and the baby will come over when they can as well and when I am here I will stay with my mother in-law so everything is set. I had looked at coming over in the last couple of years and riding in the top league but it did not fit but now I can have my Swedish base and similar in the UK so that will be good.

"I did two years with the Monarchs before, well not full seasons but over two years, and I can't wait to come back and see everyone. It is a good time for me to come over now as British speedway is improving again and a lot of the top guys are coming back so it is exciting."

One thing that many commented on when the signing was announced was the bargain nature of a 5.00 average. Palovaara having raced to a 6.25 figure the last time he was a Monarch in what many say was a tougher league.

Add to that that the man himself proclaims he is an improved rider than he was then, and the formula looks set for a big season, "I know I had a higher average than what I am starting on the last time, and I am a better rider than then.

"So, the plan is to score a lot of points and do well for the team and I think we can have a strong season. I don't worry about what position in the team or anything like that, I will just be going out to score well, help the team and win meetings.

"I am all set up for the season, I have two bikes and a van ready to come over from Sweden and I have my mechanic set. He worked with Leon Flint last season and before that was with Ludvig Lindgren so he knows what it is all about and that will make things easier. I can tell him what I need and he will have it set up ready for me coming to the track.

"We are going to Poland for a couple of practice days in two weeks then I will come over to Edinburgh and get some practice as well, as you get older I feel like you don't need as much to feel right at the start of the season so I will be set after that."

Despite his previous spell in Blue and Gold it will be a completely new team of riders that will be in the pits next to Victor given none were with the club in his previous spells.

However there is still a few known commodities for the returning Swede as he puts his eye over the Monarchs line-up, "It is a new team for me but I know a few of the guys. Paco is about the same age as me so we have known each other since we raced 250cc. We always seemed to end up at the same events and he was with Landshut last year as well.

"Justin, I think I just missed the last time I was there but his record speaks for himself so we will be strong."

Palovaara is also well versed in how he feels newcomers Oskar Polis and Jonatan Grahn will go having ridden with both previously and he says the Monarchs fans are in for a treat, "Oskar is a very talented motorcyclist and he done fantastic in Sweden when I rode with him last year.

"Once he gets settled into the tracks he will do a great job. It is not just about the shapes of the tracks but the material and things like that as well, but he is so talented he will get to grips with them no problem I think.

"Jonatan maybe will have a bit more learning to do but again once he gets to grips and gets his gating going, he will score good points. He is also a fantastic guy to have in the team as well."

Having looked over his own preparation and the make-up of the team that left Victor with only one last message to the fans, "I am really looking forward to seeing everyone when I get over, both old and new faces.

"I feel like this is the most excited I have been for a season in a long time. Everything is ready, and I can't wait for it to start to score good points for the team, to be with the guys, win some meetings and go for trophies."

The first chance to see Victor back in Blue and Gold will be on the 28th of March at the Season Launch Show with the race action starting a week later as the Glasgow Tigers come a calling, tickets for both available here:

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